Save £60pp on all Winter 2024/25 holidays with a myJet2 account! T&Cs apply.

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We can’t find what you’re searching for right now, there are a few things you can try:

  • Change the airport you’d like to fly from
    We may have sold out of holidays from your first-choice airport, and we have nine great departure locations to choose from.

  • Pick a different day of departure
    There might not be any holidays available on the day you requested.

  • Choose a different destination or hotel
    Your selection might be fully booked!

Still can’t find what you’re looking for?

Call our friendly UK-based sales team, free of charge, on: 0800 408 0778

We’re more than happy to tailor your holiday just for you!

Here are a few links that might help you find the right holiday

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