Inezgane Market

Inezgane Market

Just south of Agadir, you'll find the typically Moroccan suburb of Inezgane. It's home to a bustling market that rivals the largest souks in the city. You can pick up all sorts including handwoven baskets, carpets, silver jewellery, ceramics, pottery and more! There are lots of stalls selling fresh fruit and veg too and plenty of places to grab lunch on the go.
Golf Du Soleil

Golf Du Soleil

Agadir, Agadir

Golf Du Soleil has two golf courses, Tikida and Championship, so you can take your pick. Or why not play them both? They're both technical courses and feature exotic Moroccan landscapes, decorative lakes,...

1.1 Km to Inezgane Market - Map

Agadir Medina

Agadir Medina

Agadir, Agadir

Agadir Medina is also known as Polizzi's Medina, after the Italian architect Coco Polizzi who redesigned it in 1992 after it was destroyed in an earthquake in 1960. It's a fascinating citadel that's packed with...

3.5 Km to Inezgane Market - Map

Souss-Massa National Park

Souss-Massa National Park

Agadir, Agadir

This vast national park covers a huge area in the south of Agadir, over 80,000 acres to be precise! Alongside a big variety of birds, you might catch a glimpse of jackals, ibis, African wild cats, lizards,...

6.8 Km to Inezgane Market - Map