Wicked water sports

Wicked water sports

Parasailing and water-sking are just some of the watersports you'll find on Playa Es Cana. But the beach also caters for anyone who just wants to have a bit of a laugh on the water, so you'll also find banana-boats, doughnuts and pedalos here, too. At nearby Cala Martina you'll find diving and windsurfing schools.
Es Cane Apartments
Based on
  • Bristol, Sun 20 Oct 2024
  • 7 Nights, Self Catering
  • 2 Adults, 0 Children

Es Cane Apartments

Playa Es Cana, Ibiza

Our rating

Based on 279 reviews

0.0 Km to Wicked water sports

  • Small and Welcoming
  • Opposite the beach
  • Stunning sea views
  • Close to shops, bars and restaurants
  • Great on-site restaurant
Mar y Huerta
Based on
  • Bristol, Sat 12 Oct 2024
  • 7 Nights, Bed and Breakfast
  • 4 Adults, 0 Children

Mar y Huerta

Playa Es Cana, Ibiza


Our rating

Based on 849 reviews

0.0 Km to Wicked water sports

  • Small and Welcoming
  • Fantastic central location
  • Guest rooms with sea views available
AluaSoul Ibiza
Based on
  • Bristol, Sat 19 Oct 2024
  • 7 Nights, Half Board
  • 2 Adults, 0 Children

AluaSoul Ibiza

Playa Es Cana, Ibiza

Our rating

Based on 3707 reviews

0.1 Km to Wicked water sports

  • Perfect for relaxing
  • Certified sustainable hotel
  • Large pool area
  • Excellent central location
  • Modern style
Playa Es Cana Harbour

Playa Es Cana Harbour

Playa Es Cana, Ibiza

A quaint little marina-style harbour at the southern end of the beach is one of Es Cana's main attractions and provides a focal point for the resort. Fishing boats moor here and it's a starting point for...

0.1 Km to Wicked water sports - Map

Playa Es Cana

Playa Es Cana

Playa Es Cana, Ibiza

Es Cana is a large and sandy stretch. Perfect for families, it's got calm, shallow waters and all the facilities – showers, toilets, lifeguards, parasols and sun loungers. Gently curved, it's fringed by pine...

0.2 Km to Wicked water sports - Map

Hippy Market

Hippy Market

Playa Es Cana, Ibiza

Held every Wednesday for over 40 years, Es Cana's Hippy Market, Punta Arabi, harks back to an era when artists, painters and designers came to Ibiza to pursue their crafts. As a result, the market's atmosphere...

0.5 Km to Wicked water sports - Map